
Traefik proxy is reverse proxy which can be used as ingress controller for workloads running in local Docker Compose or Kubernetes


  1. as DNS for localhost with HTTPS (SSL) and sub-domain support

Traefik with Docker Compose

Follow compose docs to setup docker compose env.

Traefik with Kubernetes

Install and configure Traefik Proxy to use as Gateway API of Kubernetes We will be setting FQDN to point to your localhost ( along with its wildcard certs.

Source: Run Traefik with Kubernetes in Docker Desktop

  1. Create traefik kubernetes namespace if not exists

kubectl create ns traefik
  1. Create wildcard-localhost-direct-tls secret

kubectl create secret tls wildcard-localhost-direct-tls --cert apps/traefik/certs/  --key apps/traefik/certs/ -n traefik
# DANGER: following command is used to revert above changers ONLY if needed
kubectl delete secret wildcard-localhost-direct-tls -n traefik
  1. Deploy Gateway API CRD's (One time Task)

# install CRDs if already not installed.
#  kubectl get crd &> /dev/null || \
#   { kubectl kustomize "" | kubectl apply -f -; }

 kubectl get crd &> /dev/null || \
  { kubectl kustomize "" | kubectl apply -f -; }

# created
# created
# created
# created

# DANGER: Remove the Gateway API CRDs if they are no longer needed:
kubectl kustomize "" | kubectl delete -f -
  1. Deploying Traefik Proxy v3.0

Gateway API is not installed on Kubernetes clusters by default.

helm repo add traefik
helm repo update

# This will install and start traefik in your local cluster
helm install traefik \
traefik/traefik \
--namespace traefik \
--set image.tag=v3.0 \
--set ingressRoute.dashboard.entryPoints="{web,websecure}" \
--set experimental.kubernetesGateway.enabled=true \
--set tlsStore.default.defaultCertificate.secretName="wildcard-localhost-direct-tls" \

# DANGER: in case of you want to rollback above installation
helm uninstall traefik  --namespace traefik
  1. Verify

kubectl get all -n traefik
kubectl describe svc traefik --namespace traefik | grep Ingress | awk '{print $3}'

The service named service/traefik should get a EXTERNAL-IP of localhost which can be seen in the list printed above

This means that you can access the Traefik load balancer by navigating to in your browser.

# kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "" -n traefik --output=name) -n traefik 9000:9000
  1. ALL DONE - Enjoy

Last updated