This project uses @nestjsx/crud to simplify and standardize the REST API
Built with
start Postgres
# start local postgresdocker-composeuppostgres# (or) start local postgres with data resetdocker-composeup-Vpostgres#remove volumes# (optional) start local keycloakdocker-composeupkeycloak# stop local postgres before restart againdocker-composedown# (or) stop local postgres with data resetdocker-composedown-v#remove volumes
if error The container name "/postgres" is already in use by container, remove orphan container.
# start in watch modenxserveapi# to turn on logging for `request`NODE_DEBUG=requestnxserveapiDEBUG=typeorm:*nxserveapi# optionally you can run with prod env( for tesrting! use this for testing only.nxserveapi--prod
Run Prod Mode
# clean dist firstnpxrimrafdist# then buildngbuildapi--prod# then runnodedist/apps/api/main.js