Development Workflow

Adopting best practices for Git Branching, Versioning, Conventional Commits, and Release process. Simplify Developer Workflow and provide a great Developer Experience (DX)

Productivity Engineering

Our ultimate goal:

  1. Business value


  • Monorepo (apps & libs)

  • Fully automated release

  • Enforce Semantic Versioning specification

  • Use formalized commit message convention to document changes in the codebase

  • Publish on different distribution channels i.e, SNAPSHOT on develop, hotfix branches and Stable in main branch

  • Avoid potential errors associated with manual releases

Here, we’ve standardised on:


Git installed via brew brew install git And which git should output /opt/homebrew/bin/git.

Copy .gitconfig file as described in Dotfiles to your home directory. i.e., ~/.gitconfig Next, we'll define your Git user (should be the same name and email you use for GitHub):

git config --global "Your Name Here"
git config --global ""

Also copy .gitattributes and .gitignore files as described in Dotfiles to your home's my directory. i.e., ~/my Customize your .gitignore visiting and fill it what you need.



Cocogitto is a CLI for Conventional Commits , Semantic Versioning and Release.


brew install cocogitto

# add shell completions (run this everytime you update cog)
cog generate-completions zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh-completions/_cog


Branching Strategy

We will be using branching strategy that is based on GitHub Fow, but with a greater emphasis on safety when making changes to the main branch and the ability to scale to large projects and teams.

Main branch

A single main branch is always production-ready – the tests are green, and all changes are verified. The main branch is protected, meaning direct commits are not allowed.

Feature branches

Changes to the code are made in a separate feature branch. Always create your feature branches from main.

Merge requests and quality gates

To merge changes from a feature branch into main, you create a merge request that must pass through quality gates. Quality gates, which can be customized to fit your team’s workflow, are sets of conditions that have to be met in order to merge:

  • Approval in a turn-based code review. A reviewer comments on the code and passes the turn to the author to make revisions until the changes are finally approved by the reviewer.

  • A successfully completed GitHub Action check job.

  • An external check, which passes if an external CI/CD service like Codecov reports that the build is successful.

Safe Merge

Safe Merge is an additional safety step before finally merging changes from a feature branch into main. GitHub Actions workflow perform quality checks with an Automation build and e2e testing in isolated env. If the checks are successful, the changes from feature are finally merged into main.

Release branches

If your project involves public releases, you should use release branches created from main. If necessary, last-minute changes are cherry-picked from main to a particular release branch.

Following this flow allows you to configure quality gates to achieve higher-quality code and a stable, protected main branch, with:

  • Safe Merge for feature branches.

  • Code owners for mandatory reviews in critical code areas.

  • GitHub Actions build status as quality gate criteria for merge requests.


Cocogitto is a CLI and GitOps toolbox for the Conventional Commits and Semver specifications.

Check the docs for all sub commands and features.


Initialize an existing repo with cog init which generate cog.toml file in project's root. Customize as per Instructions

You can copy language specific GoLang, Java, Node or Generic cog.toml file to your repository and customize it.

Note: rename above file to cog.toml

Built-in git hooks

To protect your commit history, and your git remote, cog have builtins git hooks

We recommend installing at lease commit-msg hook for each of your repositories.

 # You can install them all Or one by one, specifying the hook name
cog install-hook all
cog install-hooks pre-push
cog install-hook commit-msg
# If you need to bypass `git hooks` use the --no-verify flag.
git commit -m "WIP" --no-verify


To create conventional commits you can use the cog commit command. Examples:

# cog commit [OPTIONS] <TYPE> <MESSAGE> [SCOPE]

# With cog
cog commit feat "add awesome feature" cli

# With git
git commit -m "feat(cli): add awesome feature"

# Breaking changes
cog commit fix -B "add fix a nasty bug" cli
# Commit Body and footers
cog commit refactor -e -B "drop support for Node 6" runtime

# Commit with skip-ci
cog commit docs "added cli options" cli --skip-ci "[skip ci]"

Check commit history

  • Running cog log displays additional conventional commit information.

  • Running cog check will check your commit history against the conventional commit specification

cog log
cog check -l
# Options: --from-latest-tag or -l

Rewrite non-compliant commits

Once you have spotted invalid commits you can quickly fix your commit history by running cog edit.

DANGER: Using cog edit will modify your commit history and change the commit SHA of edited commit and their child.

cog edit -l
# Options: --from-latest-tag or -l

Alternatively, you can use git commit --amend to fix commit messages:

# changing the latest Git commit message
git commit --amend -m "fix(account): fix account create bug"
# git push --force-with-lease repository-name branch-name
git push --force-with-lease origin main

If you want to rewrite multiple non-conventional commit messages, follow: How to change a Git commit message after a push


cog changelog can generate changelog automatically.

You can specify a custom changelog range or tag like so :

# Display the changelog between `^1` and `2.0.0`
cog changelog --at 2.0.0

# From `8806a5` to `1.0.0`
cog changelog 8806a5..1.0.0

# From `8806a5` to `HEAD`
cog changelog 8806a55..

# From first commit to `1.0.0`
cog changelog 8806a5..1.0.0

cog changelog --at 0.1.0 -t remote --remote --owner xmlking --repository  macbooksetup
cog changelog >

Automatic versioning

cog bump will calculate the next version based on your commit history since the latest semver tag.

The bump subcommand will execute the following steps :

  1. Calculate the next version based on the commit types since the latest tag.

  2. Append the changes for this version to

  3. Execute a set configuration defined pre-bump hooks.

  4. Create a version commit containing changes made during the previous steps.

  5. Create a git tag on the version commit.

  6. Execute a set of configuration defined post-bump hook.

This following command bump VERSION number and push changes and tag to remote

# create tag with specified full VERSION
cog bump -v <VERSION>
# create tag with specified patch version part bumped
cog bump --patch --pre "beta.1"
# dry-run: calculate the next version based on the commit types since the latest tag
cog bump --auto --dry-run
# calculate the next version based on the commit types since the latest tag
cog bump --auto
# with skip-ci
cog bump --auto --skip-ci "[skip-ci]"

Get the current version

cog get-version
cog -v get-version
# If working on a monorepo you can also specify the target package:
cog -v get-version --package gill-db
cog get-version --fallback 0.1.0

GitHub Actions

Check the GitHub Actions for Cocogitto Here


Last updated