
[!NOTE] Since v16.13, Node.js is shipping Corepack for managing package managers.

brew install node
# This will automatically install pnpm on your system.
corepack enable pnpm

Add following lines to ~/my/paths.zsh

# pnpm
export PNPM_HOME=$HOME/Library/pnpm

Project Setup

[!NOTE] You can pin the version of pnpm used on your project using the following command

# for example to pin pnpm version for spectacular
cd ~/Developer/Work/SPA/spectacular
corepack use pnpm@latest-10 


# add package to monorepo's root
pnpm add debug -W
# add package to global
pnpm add debug --global

# update package versions in a repo
pnpm up
pnpm up --latest

pnpm ls prune
pnpm ls

pnpm audit
# find why a specific package installed 
pnpm why vite
# for monorepo use -r to search all sub projects
pnpm why vite -r

# Publish all packages in topological order from the workspace.
pnpm publish -r

Patching a node module

In your project repo directory, run:

pnpm patch @auth/core@0.2.4


You can now edit the following folder: /private/var/folders/t_/2rzsqx111439_19vxd5f_p800000gp/T/f6f8c74999a108b642b97ab160392cd8 Once you're done with your changes, run "pnpm patch-commit /private/var/folders/t_/2rzsqx111439_19vxd5f_p800000gp/T/f6f8c74999a108b642b97ab160392cd8"'

Edit the files you need to patch then run: pnpm patch-commit "path-to-edited-module" as stated above.

create SvelteKit workspace

pnpm create svelte@latest svelte-starter-kit
# select `yes` for TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Playwright and Vitest


Last updated

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