
  1. Install global Prerequisites


Install Global Packages

yarn global remove lerna
yarn global remove commitizen
yarn global remove @angular/cli
yarn global remove @nrwl/cli
yarn global remove @nestjs/cli
yarn global remove bloomrpc-mock

yarn global add lerna
yarn global add commitizen
yarn global add @angular/cli
yarn global add @nrwl/cli
yarn global add @nestjs/cli
yarn global add bloomrpc-mock

# verify globally installed packages
yarn global list
# find out which packages need to be updated. Options: `--latest`
yarn global upgrade-interactive
# set scss as default css processor
ng config -g
ng config -g schematics.@schematics/ scss
ng config -g cli.packageManager yarn
# (optional) set scss as default style for ngx-formly
ng config -g schematics@ngx-formly/ scss
# check your global defaults
ng config -g
# (optional) how to find reverse dependencies for a package?
yarn why jasmine-marbles

Install Chrome Extensions

Scaffold Project

steps below are for setting up a new project from the scratch.

for nx help yarn run help

Explicitly Passing Arguments to Angular CLI

nx/ng commands now accept a delimiter to distinguish the end of options for Nx and the beginning of options to Angular CLI with a (like npm run) according to Guideline 10 of POSIX.2 utility syntax guidelines.

yarn affected -- --target lint --uncommitted --parallel -- --fix

Create Workspace

ng new yeti -c=@nrwl/workspace --preset=empty --style=scss --npm-scope=yeti --app-name=yeti -v

cd yeti

# set yarn2 for project
# yarn set version berry

# make sure we are up-to-date
ng update --all  --allow-dirty --force
# also update versions in package.json
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest

# add nx plugins (schematics)
#  you can add more nrwl-nx plugins to your workspace as needed
ng add @nrwl/angular --defaults
ng add @nrwl/nest
ng add @xmlking/nxp-ddd

# Set workspace defaults
ng config cli.packageManager yarn
ng config schematics.@schematics/ scss
ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.prefix yeti
ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.displayBlock true # optional, default `inline`
ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.changeDetection OnPush

TODO: move assets and styles to shated # assets # Env

# generate webapp app
# use fullTemplateTypeCheck or strictTemplates
# ng g @nrwl/angular:app yeti-web-app --routing --style=scss --strict=true --tags="domain:yeti,type:app,platform:web"
ng g @xmlking/nxp-ddd:application yeti # optional flags: --platform <web/mobile/desktop/node>

# NOTE: Remove `"types": []` from apps/webapp/ to allow global types. ???

# generate api app with nestjs
ng g @nrwl/nest:app yeti-api --frontend-project=yeti-app --linter=eslint --tags="domain:yeti,type:api,platform:node"


adding 3rd party modules/libs

cd yeti
# Add i18n
ng add @angular/localize
# Add PWA
ng add @angular/pwa@next --project webapp
# Add universal for SSR
ng add @nguniversal/express-engine --clientProject webapp
# `ng deploy`
# Add architect for deploying webapp
# ng add [provider] [angular-cli-ghpages, @angular/fire, @zeit/ng-deploy, @azure/ng-deploy, @netlify-builder/deploy]
# gh-pages deployment
# ng add angular-cli-ghpages
# firebase deploy
ng add @angular/fire # Note: add this, only after adding `@nguniversal/express-engine`
# (optional) Add architect for npm release
ng add ngx-deploy-npm
# Add ngx-semantic-version (
ng add ngx-semantic-version
# Add nebular
ng add @nebular/theme
yarn add @nebular/auth
yarn add @nebular/security
yarn add -D @fortawesome/fontawesome-free

# compo docs
ng add @twittwer/compodoc
# adds a `compodoc` target to the specified project in your `angular.json`
ng g @twittwer/compodoc:config <project> [options]
ng g @twittwer/compodoc:config webapp --workspaceDocs
# Generate your docs:
ng run <project>:compodoc
ng run webapp:compodoc

# Add ngx-markdown for SSG(Static Site Generator) and Content Management
ng add ngx-markdown
yarn add prismjs
# Add Flex-Layout
yarn add @angular/flex-layout
# (optional) Add in-memory-web-api
yarn add angular-in-memory-web-api
# Add NGXS manually (prefered)
# We are using NGXS for State Management and [@rx-angular/template]( for zoneless Rendering System
yarn add @ngxs/devtools-plugin @ngxs/{store,router-plugin,form-plugin,storage-plugin,devtools-plugin}
#  (optional) extra ngxs plugins
yarn add @ngxs-labs/immer-adapter
yarn add @ngxs-labs/select-snapshot
yarn add immer
# add `Push Pipe` & `Let Directive` Rendering System
yarn add @rx-angular/template
# (optional) Add formly
ng add @ngx-formly/schematics --ui-theme=material
#  (optional) Add Filepond
yarn add ngx-filepond \
filepond-plugin-file-encode \
filepond-plugin-file-validate-size \
filepond-plugin-file-validate-type \
filepond-plugin-image-crop \
# Add @UntilDestroy() to auto unsubscribe rxjs
yarn add @ngneat/until-destroy
# Add gRPC
yarn add google-protobuf
yarn add -D @types/google-protobuf
yarn add grpc-web
yarn add -O grpc-tools
# to generate TS interfaces from proto
yarn add -O ts-proto
yarn add -O grpc_tools_node_protoc_ts
# for metagen CLI tool (node tools/scripts/metagen.mjs)
yarn add -O parse-md

# (optional) Add
yarn add
yarn add -D @types/

ng add @ngneat/dialog

# add  Convoyr plugins
# Enriching HTTP clients with capabilities related to security, performance or resilience
yarn add @convoyr/core
yarn add @convoyr/plugin-auth
yarn add @convoyr/plugin-cache
yarn add @convoyr/plugin-retry

# Add miscellaneous
yarn add ngx-perfect-scrollbar smooth-scrollbar ngx-page-scroll screenfull

# Add Dev Tools
# tools you needed in CI/CD inv
yarn add -D loaders.css
yarn add -D api-ai-javascript
yarn add -D codecov
yarn add -D rimraf

# install without saving
yarn add trianglify --no-save --no-lock

## bundle analyzer
# yarn add -O webpack-bundle-analyzer
ng add @ngx-builders/analyze
yarn global add source-map-explore # will be removed later
# usage
ng run [YOUR_PROJECT_NAME]:analyze --no-build

# old way
yarn add source-map-explore
ng build --prod --sourceMap
npx  source-map-explore dist/**/main*2015*js

### Add Optional Tools
# tools you only needed on Dev laptop
yarn add -O lint-staged
# alternative builder for nestjs (optional)
yarn add -D ts-node-builder

yarn workspace @yeti/api add  @xmlking/jwks-rsa @nestjsx/crud @nestjs/{terminus,cqrs,passport,swagger,microservices,typeorm}
yarn workspace @yeti/api add nodemon supertest  -O
yarn workspace @yeti/api add @types/{helmet,passport,passport-jwt,supertest,nodemailer} -D

yarn workspace @yeti/api add @grpc/proto-loader
yarn workspace @yeti/api add grpc

yarn workspace @yeti/tools add cpx --dev

update 3rd party modules/schematics use --allow-dirty --next --force` flags as needed

nx migrate latest
# ng update --next if needed
ng update @angular/core
ng update @angular/cli
ng update @angular/material
ng update @angular/pwa
ng update @ngx-formly/schematics --ui-theme=material
ng update @nrwl/workspace
ng update @nrwl/angular
ng update @nrwl/nest
ng update @nguniversal/express-engine


Install Deps


Update Deps

ng update
ng update @angular/cli
ng update @angular/core
ng update --all
# interactively update non-ng modules, with `--latest`
# this will also update package.json file with information of the new versions of the updated packages
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest


# Create a translation source file
ng xi18n --output-path apps/webapp/src/local

ng build api
# start with hugh memory if ndded
NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 ng build api --prod
NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 ng build webapp --prod


# dev run
ng serve
# run mock mode
ng serve -c=mock
# use proxy (if you have CORS disabled backend API)
ng serve -c=mock --proxy-config proxy.conf.js
# to bind to host IP, to demo from laptop
ng s --host
# ES2015 support: Set tsconfig.json target value as "es2015" and  use --aot
ng serve -c=mock
# run prod mode
ng serve -c=prod

# build and run web
docker-compose up --build web
# run web
docker-compose up web

Uint Test

ng test <module>

E2E Test

ng e2e webapp
# headless tests (CI)
ng e2e webapp --headless
ng e2e webapp --headless --browser chrome
# Production target
ng e2e webapp --prod
# Watching for changes
ng e2e webapp --watch

Serve from dist

use this to test service-workers

# 1st terminal - Start the build in (optional) watch mode
ng build --prod --watch
# 2nd in terminal - Start the static web server. this will use config from bs-config.json
npx lite-server


check if you on current versions.

node -v
yarn -v
lerna -v
ng -v
npx nx --version
nest info
# list workspaces
yarn workspaces info


Right click on apps/webapp/src/styles in project vie --> Make Directory as --> Resources Root. Right click on apps/webapp/src in project vie --> Make Directory as --> Resources Root. Right click on docs in project view --> Make Directory as --> Excluded. Right click on dist in project view --> Make Directory as --> Excluded. Right click on coverage in project view --> Make Directory as --> Excluded.


Last updated